Chapter 17
”Promise to keep it just us?” He needed her reassurance.
“Of course what happens in Jovi-“ She started the well known motto.
“No even more”
“What happens in our relationship stays in our relationship?”
“Sure Jon.” Wondering what he could have to tell her that was so secretive.
“Well I know this isn’t very ROCKSTAR of me but kissing is by far my favorite sexual act. If God denied me everything but one thing with my partner I’d pick kissing to keep.”
“Wow – why?”
Jon actually sat up, shirtless and somewhat flushed from kissing for the past hour and look at Mika, “Kissing is everything, its hello, I missed you, its good-morning and goodnight, its I want you, I love you, I need you. You can still do it even if exhausted, you can kiss you lover to sleep or kiss them awake. You can say I’ll be there for you without saying a word. A kiss can cure a boo boo, it can start an engine. A kiss is the simplest way to show someone you care, it's congrats, its I’m sorry. A kiss if done right is everything I’ve just said and 50,000 things I forgot.”
“You’ve thought about this a lot.” Mika smiled.
“Yes I have, it’s the most intimate expression of emotion I think.”
“If it's so intimate why do you kiss fans every night?”
“Because it is intimate - I know they want a piece of me it's a way of giving them a special memory.” Jon stated and then look at Mika and saw that’s not a good enough answer for her.
“This may honestly be where you and I will have issues – I can’t stop that now it's become such a part of the show people expect it fans would not take that well. If I didn’t pick someone to kiss, they’d initiate it- now I have the control I pick the person that looks the least likely to attack me one that will enjoy the dance and at the end allow the thanks for the dance sweetheart and the quick peck on the lips.”
“Is that what you say to them?”
“yep every one of them”
“If you start calling me sweetheart I’ll know you don’t mean it?” Mika smirked.
“You are a sassy girlfriend.” Jon moved and lie partially on top of her and continue their kissing session.
About 430am the bus rolls to a stop and Jon looked at Mika with lust filling his eyes. “Hold on let me see if we’re at the hotel.” Jon got up exhaled deeply trying to bring his blood pressure back to normal and walked up to the front. “Hey Mike we here?”
”Yeah Jon all parked and ready for sleep.”
”Great thanks man.”
Jon walked back to the room Mika is in. “Hey angel it's time for sleep.” He picked up his shirt off the floor then held out his hand to her so they can leave. All of her clothes were still in place and he can’t believe how much fun he just had necking with his girlfriend.
Mika and Jon walked into the hotel hand in hand and got their room keys. He has had Paul book the room for Marsha and Mika within two doors of his. So he stops at her door and kisses her goodnight. “I had fun on our date.”
”Me too, let’s do it again sometime.”
Jon placed his hand tenderly on the side of Mika’s face and kissed her swollen lips softly.
“Definitely, goodnight ladylove.”
When Mika got ready for bed and collapsed on her bed she’s hoping for nothing but sleep but instead Marsha needed to talk – “Tell me everything”
“There’s nothing to tell go to sleep.” Mika moans.
“Bullshit, let me live vicariously, how does he kiss?”
”With his lips now go to sleep.”
”Damn it Mika tell me something.”
“He’s a sweet guy and he’d like his privacy respected so I’m not telling you anything. GO to sleep.”
Marsha is pissed but Mika doesn’t care. She’s not about to ruin anything that happened tonight by kissing and telling.
Mika heard a little boy’s bellow way too soon after her head hit the pillow. She can’t determine whose voice it is until she hears Jon in the hallway, “ROMEO”
“Ahh judge and jury have arrived.” She mumbled turning over for more sleep.
~ 1130am Jon’s room~
“So dad why are you so smiley and yet tired?” Steph asked her father.
“I’m just happy to see you guys.” Jon told her and winks at her letting his baby girl know that they will talk in a bit.
2pm ~ the arena ~
By this time the kids have decided being back on the road with daddy is fun. Romeo and Jake have found their uncle Richie to climb all over, Richie is having so much fun with the kids because he hasn’t seen Ava in far to long so he’s fully into babysitting while Jon sat and talked to Steph. Jesse of course is having an attitude so he’s not talking to Jon at all.
“So Dad tell me for real –why so smiley?”
“I’ve met someone.”
“Tell me everything” His 14yr old Oprah asks.
“Steph just leave it as I’ve met someone I don’t want to introduce her to you guys cos I’m not sure where it's going. It's fun and I enjoy being with her.”
”Is this Mika?”
”Yes – how do you know about her?” He asked wondering how she has the name already.
“Uncle Tony said Mika was new to the road crew. How else would you meet someone who can hang around long enough to get to know you? I’ll be back.” Steph quickly stood up and ran out into the arena, Jon has to gather the rest of the kids before he can follow her.
Steph's so smart! I'm interested to see how Mika deals with the kids and how Jon manages to balance his time. More please :-)
Smart young lady. I have the feeling she'll be fine with Mika as soon as she realizes Mika ain't a blond bimbo...but the boys can be more tricky...More please ;-)
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