Chapter 19
Mika then looked at Jake who is clinging to Steph’s leg. “Jake are you going to talk?”
“Ok” Mika laughed at his not talking reply.
“What’s dat?” He pointed to the side stage that Mika and Marsha set up every night.
“That’s another stage where you daddy sings to the crowd.”
“Want up” He walked over to it and Mika helped him up on it.
He’d start moving his body around and then he’d throw his fist into the air. He’d swing his butt around and Jon says from in front of him.
“Is that what daddy looks like on stage Jake?”
”I rock star!”
“Really you are?”
”Yep – rock star!” He throws his hand in the air again and Stephanie and Mika laugh while Jon gets him off the mini stage and hugs him.
Jesse would then look at me. “I’m sorry for what I said and how I acted Mika, I was very rude.”
”Ok Jesse why don’t you try getting to know me before you hate me.” Mika tells him.
“You’re not my mom!” Jesse says with anger.
“JESSE!” Jon starts to scold him again and Mika continued.
“NO Jesse I’m not your mom, you have one and you should cherish and respect her” Mika said and almost start crying.
Jon realized her emotions are a little to raw from losing her mom so he tried to calm the situation.
“OK before anyone says anything they’ll regret Steph, Jesse, Jake and Romeo – backstage.” He then turns to Mika, “I’m sorry he hit a nerve.” Jon then gives Mika a hug trying to give her some comfort while being pulled in another direction emotionally trying to protect his kids from this woman that he adores but he’s not sure if she can handle being with him long term so he has to be safe with their hearts. “I’m sorry Mika, he’s just a little boy, and he doesn’t get it. I’m sorry.” Jon would hug Mika again and give her a tender kiss. “He didn’t mean to hurt you, please don’t hate my son.”
“Jon I don’t hate your son, it's just raw.”
”He hates me Jon. He’s mama’s boy isn’t he?”
”Yes, Steph is daddy’s girl, Jesse is mommy, Jake is daddy and Romeo I think he loves everyone. I’m sorry Angel.”
Ugh how typical of a teenage boy! Can't stand them. I'm glad Jon set him straight, or at least started too. Romeo loves cute. I can't wait for more.
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