Chapter 24
Jon and Mika have a little problem over the next few days when it comes to communication. It almost seems like they are talking in two different languages. Jon got the test results back from his Dr. and wanted to go over them with Mika. He walked out to her while she and Marsha are trying to lock down his stage. The stage however won’t fit with the seats in the arena so Mika and Marsha stress out and are distracted.
”Hey Mika can I see you for a minute.”
”Jon if you aren’t my boss right now I don’t have time.”
”Excuse me.” He said a little upset. “I want to talk to you.”
”As my boyfriend or my boss because right now I’m a roadie, I’m at work.”
“I get that but this is important.” Jon said now pretty annoyed.
”So is making sure the lead singer of my favorite band doesn’t break his neck on this stage. I’ll talk to you later.” Mika said by way of a dismissal.
Jon got pissed and storm backstage. “How dare she blow me off.”
Jon threw the letter in his stage clothes cabinet and picked up a guitar and start playing.
Before long Mika walked backstage to talk to him but he’s in the middle of sound check and Jon blows her off on purpose because of earlier that morning. Mika got just as pissed as he was and she went to the bus put on her rollerblades and take off with no cell phone.
Mika was so upset with him that she’s thinking of breaking it off. Can’t Jon just understand if he’s going to put limitations on her then she’s going to hold on to her heart even tighter. Jon kept telling her he wants her to open up to him, but he’s not even allowing her to be his girlfriend in front of his kids. Why does he want something he’s not willing to give? This relationship thing is just more work than it's worth. It's not until she’s back inside the arena roller blading that her IPOD decides to set her straight. Jon’s soulful voice comes to her through her ear buds and almost makes her cry because she can actually hear Jon saying these things to her.
These days, its hard to have a heart
It doesn't matter where you come from, or who you think you are
These days, it's hard just fitting in
Why does someone have to lose, for someone else to win
We're all looking for forgiveness, and someone we can trust
You can wrap your arms around the world
It all comes down to us
Mika realizes then and there Jon is trying to give her what she’s always wanted but she’s just being stubborn and scared.
This is the last night, you'll have to be alone
I'll be standing right beside you, you can't make it on your own
So walk with me, please, help me to be strong
I'll be the shoulder you can lean on, when everybody's gone
This is the last night, you'll have to be alone
I know, you, heard it all before
There's nothing worst than living less
When you yearn for something more
Makes no sense, its hard to understand
When there's something that should fill you up
Keeps slipping through your hands
We're all looking for answers
We're all down here on our knees
All anybody really wants, is something to believe
Enough is enough, I can't take any more
But I'm standing on your front porch
Kicking down your door
This is the last night
This is the last night
Without even realizing it Mika is at the door to Jon’s dressing room. She knocked and waited to see if he’ll answer.
When he opened the door she looked at him. “I’m sorry.” Escaping from her lips.
“So am I roller girl, come here.” Jon pulled Mika into his arms for a hug.
After the hug he took her ipod and hit the back button to see what song caused her to come to him. Seeing it was one of his he knew she’s true to the core when she said Bon Jovi makes her whole.
“So are you ready to be loved now? Completely?” Jon asked in such a way that Mika doesn’t even get offended.
“Actually I am if you can prove to me it's safe to do so.”
Jon walked over to his stage case and pulled out the letter from his Dr. Handing it to Mika he sat on the couch in his dressing room and looked at her expectantly. He doesn’t know what’s going to be in that envelope but he knew he’s gotta take the risk of her rejecting him for the results because if he doesn’t take the first step she'll never believe in him.
As Mika opened the envelope and looked over at Jon who is sitting still with a hopeful look on his face. Mika looked down at the Dr’s report.
~ Jon I personally tested the blood sample you had sent to me for the following STD’s here are your results. Please contact me if you have any questions. Dr Wilson. ~
Human papillomavirus (HPV)-Negative
Genital herpes-Negative
Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C-Negative
~of course the best way to stay this way is to abstain from sex or at the very least use a condom every time~
“Jon your Dr. says you should abstain from sex.” Mika laughed.
“Yeah he’s been saying the same thing for the past 30 yrs of my life. I would think
he’d figure out I’m not listening. So what are the results?”
Jon asked not having seen them yet.
“You didn’t open this before giving it to me?” Mika asked.
“NO that’s what I came to find you for earlier I wanted to open them together since they affect both of us in a way.”
”Jon you’re clean, of everything including STD’s I didn’t know existed.” Mika told him.
“Really?” Jon got up and grabbed the paper to look for himself.
“What the hell is Trichomonas?”
”I don’t know but personally I’m glad you don’t have it.”
“Me to babe, me too.” Jon took Mika into his arms and kissed her.
“So baby, what do you say? Now that you know it's safe to be with me.” Jon smirked.
“Jon just because I have a piece of paper doesn’t mean I’m going to jump you right this moment.” Mika smirked.
“That’s it. Woman I’ve been playing nice but now I’m refusing to. I am going to turn you on so bad tonight while I’m on stage you are going to drop to your knees and worship my body.”
“I am?” Mika smirked.
“Yes because damnit I’m horny I’m STD free and you’re hot therefore I want my girlfriend and if you won’t behave yourself and just be a great girlfriend and have sex with your man then I’m going to be so confident, arrogant and sexy on stage tonight that you’ll be begging me to let you get under me so you can scream all night.” Jon then smiled that oh so delicious smirk and kiss her. One way or another she will be his tonight after the show. She’s gotta be he can’t handle many more cold showers.
When I started reading I was like "Oh crap, miscommunication," but I'm glad that they eventually worked it out. Now that Jon's clean I can't wait to see how bad he taunts her at the show. More :-D
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