Chapter 21
Jon looked up a few moments later to see Jake swinging his butt with his hands on his hips then his fist thrusting to the air.
“Hey Jakey what’s up?” Jon asked.
“I rockstar!”
“Of course you are buddy.”
”Like daddy!” He smiled and crawled in to Jon’s lap. Jon just smiles and looks around the room, his life is good. That is until he can’t find his daughter.
”Where’s Steph?”
”In the arena, she didn’t wanna sit still.” Tico answered him.
“OH crap.” Jon said as he gathered his two youngest up and walks out into the arena to find his daughter. He of course doesn’t have to worry Steph is sitting on the railing next to Mika who is securing Jon’s side stage.
Jon walked up to Mika, “Is she bothering you?” He looked at his daughter like she’s almost in trouble.
“Nope we’re getting along great.” Mika smiled to Jon and continued working on the stage.
“Yep I’m telling Mika how dorky you are with my boyfriend.” Steph teased her dad.
“Your boyfriend is 16. He shouldn’t be touching my 14yr old.”
”Dork.” She smiled.
”Try Dad.” Jon smiled back.
“Dad dork?” Steph smirked again. She missed her daddy when she’s not with him so this is exactly what she needed right now.
“You’re going to give me grey hair kid.”
”You have grey hair?” Mika looked up from the work she’s doing and ask.
“Yep.” Jon smiles.
“OH I’m sorry I can’t date someone with grey hair.”
“Mouthy girlfriends get themselves spanked.” Jon playfully warned.
Mika smirked but Stephanie hollered “DAD!”
“Shit sorry honey you didn’t hear that. I didn’t even come out here to tease my woman I came out to ask you –can you do me a favor – let me or Rick know when you’re leaving the room?”
”Hey Ricky is right there, he follows me everywhere.”
“As he should that’s what he’s hired to do.” Jon answered her.
“Yes daddy.” Steph smirked and kiss him on the cheek. “Going backstage now ok daddy?” She continued her in smart-alecky way.
“I love you princess.”
Steph walked away and Jon looked at Marsha who had just walked back up.
“Hey Marsha have you told Mika about kid check yet?”
”No – no one was with us until now so I was going to tell her because I just saw Stephanie.”
”OK I’ll explain. Mika if you ever hear ‘kid check’ on the walkie, if you can see any of our children, walk up to whichever one it is, find out who and say into the walkie, kid-check-Jake or whichever one you have located. We don’t like to make them feel like they are secluded to certain places so they allowed to wander around the arena by themselves, they each have their own personal security person that is supposed to be on them like glue. In Romeo’s case he has a jungle gym, but sometimes the kids outsmart their security person. That’s when kid check comes in place; we want to always make sure they are with a trusted member of the staff. If you ever have one that we have misplaced, you’ll be asked to return them to their lost parent.”
“Ok makes sense.”
“What do the kids do if they ever get scared? Do they ever get around overzealous fans or anything?”
”There is the odd time where they are freaked out by someone. They each have a codeword they can use to their guard that basically is a red alert to get them to their parent.”
”They wouldn’t use it with us?”
”No for the most part they don’t know the roadies very well. You my kids will know more obviously but their guard is their personal assistant really.”
Just then Romeo and his guard show up and Romeo is pouting.
“What’s wrong buddy?” Jon asks.
“I miss my daddy – need hug.” Romeo says and all but leaps out of his guard Tom’s arms into Jon’s.
“I love you Romeo.”
“I love you daddy.” Romeo tells him and lays his head on Jon’s shoulder finally resting enough to allow sleep to take over.
Can I just say how much I love Romeo! I love how kid conscious he's being...more please!
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