Chapter 16
Mika and Jon laid down on the futon and he pulled her into his arms to cuddle. She felt so good, not believing someone so great cares for her.
“Hey.” Jon says thinking she zoned out on him.
“Yeah.” Mika answered.
“Can you do something for me?” Jon asks. Mika wouldn’t know how to answer him what if he wants something kinky.
Jon doesn’t understand why she’s hesitating. They are just talking for goodness sake. “I need you to be honest with me. I need to know you’ll stand up to me and tell me when I need to change something ok?”
”Sure Jon I can do that.” Mika smiled, that much she could do.
”What’s something you need from your boyfriend?” Jon asked out of the blue. He loves this time in a relationship, when you are getting to know the other person. “I need him to be tender, in a touchy, feely way.”
“Are you a clingy girlfriend?”
“As in can’t stand up by myself–no. As in I want to touch you all the time- yes.”
“Then why is my ass over here and why isn’t my girlfriend touching me?” Jon smiles trying to lightening the mood, letting Mika know that while they are talking it's nothing she should be scared of.
“Cos we are trying to be smart about this – so we can a) supply what the other needs or b) determine it's not something we can do and walk away before it gets to hard.” She answered seriously.
“But everything I’m hearing I love – I want to be touched all the time it's fun.” Jon explained while pulling Mika closer to him and kissing her softly.
“So do you like back massages?” She asks out of the blue.
“Hell yeah”
“Take off your shirt and turn over” She smirks and he grins at her with that megawatt white smile. He removes his shirt quickly but whines, “But we were cuddling.”
“Shut up just roll over.”
He shrugs and then he does and I smile, “damn you’ve got a great ass” Mika smirks and before he can say anything she tells him, “Shut it don’t even argue and no rolling your eyes.”
He smirks and tells Mika, “OK I know I’m busted so I’ll let you admire me.” He then moans as she hits a sore spot on his back. He quickly loses all ability to talk.
“What’s wrong Jon can’t get a massage and talk at the same time?”
“I can if I have to.” Jon answers dreamily.
Mika hits a spot that’s been driving him nuts he yelps.
“Am I hurting you?”
“No pet, you’re making me feel really good.”
“What have you done to yourself, you’re in knots.”
“I have no fucking clue – past 6mo or so certain spots have decided they hate me.”
Mika continued to massage his back for 40min without another word being said, she’s happy to do it to, she loves to give massages and since he’s willing she figures this is going to work out great.
After the massage he rolls over under Mika and has the most amazing royal regal blue eyes.
“Oh my God.” She gasps.
“I love your eyes; I absolutely love your eyes.”
“Thank you” He says honestly without rolling his eyes at all at the compliment.
Mika hugged him; the then takes her face in his hands and softly kisses her. So tender, so deep and romantic, again he doesn’t get his tongue involved just kisses her from his heart.
“whoa” She moaned.
“you felt that too?” Jon asks.
“yeah I felt that too.”
“Something tells me babe we’re going to get along very well in the kissing department.” Jon smirks.
“Want to practice?” Mika smirked; two can play at this game of flirting he has going on.
“Oh yeah, for at least a few hours.” Jon smiled; damn this girlfriend thing was really working for him he thought.
Mika lye down on the side of him and the kisses begin. Very few men in Mika’s past just lie down and kiss her; normally the kisses had to be leading somewhere. With Jon they don’t. He does deepen the kisses, and his tongue caresses hers regularly, but that’s as far as he takes it. His hands stay in her hair or on her upper body, not even venturing yet to her breasts. He rubs her arm or her hip, sometimes her back. Mika can tell however, he is perfectly happy to just kiss her.
Jon broke the kiss for a bit, running his thumb over her well kissed mouth, “I love the way you kiss, you aren’t forceful or pushy or too wet or too dry –it's just pure fun kissing you.”
“I was thinking the same thing, you actually enjoy kissing.” Mika said with a layer of shock in her voice.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Jon asks.
Secret? Ugh, you leave it THERE?
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