Chapter 12
Chapter 12
“So Mika, I don’t know if you’ve figured out exactly what I’m trying to do here but riding on the bus from one city to another is my way of trying to date you. Pizza, movies, but I can’t actually take you out while on the road. In Jersey I could get away with it. So would you like to go on a date with me?”
“Since you went through all this I can’t really say no.”
”Yes you can say no, I’ll sleep on this bus to the next city and you can ride with the crew. I just thought this was a nice way for us to spend some time alone together to see if this could amount to anything.”
“I’d like to date you Jon.”
Mika and Jon then sit on the couch, eat dinner and watch a movie, ending with Jon’s arm around her shoulders.
Jon reached over at the end of the movie and kiss Mika’s cheek.
“Wow you’re awful forward on a first date.” Mika would smile at him and Jon unfortunately misses the smile and feels ashamed.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to offend.”
Mika then remembers that the last time Jon dated he was a teenager so she quickly corrects the situation.
“Jon chill, I was just giving you a hassle.”
“Stop that you brat.” Jon admonishes. “You are abusing the man in your life and that’s not nice.”
“Are you the man in my life?”
“I hope so.”
”We go on one date and now you think we’re a couple?”
“I’m never gonna win with you am I?”
”Yes you will.”
”Ask me a question, don’t assume.”
”I thought the assumptive close was a good one? Aren’t you in sales?”
”Not anymore.”
”Will you be my girlfriend?” Jon asks hopefully. He hasn’t had to ask that question since he was a teenager either. He waited with hopeful breath for Mika’s answer.
“Yes Jon I’ll be your girlfriend.” She smiles and receives a hug.
“Wow girlfriends only get hugs?”
”You need to stop.”
”I’m not going to kiss you when you expect it?”
”That takes all the surprise out of it.”
”Why do I have to be surprised? Aren’t I your girlfriend? Don’t girlfriends get kisses whenever they want them?”
”Yes I thought I read that somewhere.” Mika would smile really wanting to kiss him but loving the fact they can play like this too.
“Just so I have this straight. I’m onstage at lets say Giants Stadium and you motion to me you want a kiss. I’m supposed to stop the show, jump off the stage come kiss you then go back to the show?”
”OH yeah that sounds great.” Mika smiled. “It probably wouldn’t happen but it’d be fun.”
”Yeah and all the fans would hate you in about 2 min.”
”Yeah I’d be one of them.” She smiled.
“Angel you can’t hate yourself.” He laughed.
“Well if it wasn’t me you were kissing I’d hate the girl.”
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