Chapter 15
Chapter 15
“My ring didn’t fit the way I thought it should to be securely stuck on my finger. I was scared a fan could pull it off if I got too sweaty, so whenever I was gonna be in a position that the fans could get a hold of my hands I would put the ring in the pocket of my pants, I had special pocket thing sewn into my pants so the ring was never far from me.”
“You thought people would take your ring?”
”Well my fans have a tendency to touch me whenever and wherever they can so it wasn’t a stretch to think they’d get the ring at some point.”
“So humor me here?” Mika would ask because she would wanna look towards the future for the first time in a long time.
“Yes pet?”
”If you were to get married again, and your then wife demanded the ring be on your finger at all times how would you react?”
”Badly. I don’t take well to demands. She would have to understand that I am an actor as well as a musician and some roles I take the guy isn’t married so right there it wouldn’t work. I also would never make such a demand on her so I would have a problem with it.”
”Do you not like to wear it?”
”No actually the opposite. I loved having the ring on my finger. When I would be flying from city to city or when I was in an interview I would twist the ring on my finger. I love the symbolism of the ring, I also however believe that a marriage does not start and end with a piece of jewelry. I was no less married to Dot if I had the ring on my finger or not.”
“Ok.” Mika said and then looked down. She really wanted to kiss him again but she couldn’t bring herself to kiss him yet. What if he found that too forward?
She was his girlfriend but just barely.
Jon would look at her and smile, damn she’s so open to him, he loves that, he loves that she is almost scared to offend him somehow. It seems almost impossible for this to be happening, he’s not used to someone being this concerned about his feelings.
“Mika what are you thinking?”
“That I really want to kiss you.”
”So why don’t you? Angel you’re my girlfriend you have rights you know?” He smiled.
”I do?”
”Yes remember when you thought you read it somewhere that girlfriends get kisses, well I looked it up, it's in the girlfriend bylaws. I’m not sure but rule 3a or something stating that girlfriends can kiss their boyfriends at any time throughout the day.”
”OH I like that bylaw.” Mika smirked and moved in to take his lips with hers.
Jon won’t let her pull back right away. He still wasn't possessing her mouth with his full force he needed to make sure she’s well aware of the desire that he has for her.
“So we have a few options for sleeping arrangements. We can sleep single on each bunk, we can sleep on top of each other on 1 bunk or on the back couch thing together.”
“I choose that.” She immediately stated.
Once they moved to the back of the bus she sees what is little more than a pulled out futon. He asks her if she’s going to be ok if he takes his shirt off.
“Well yes of course you can get as naked as you want just remember I have the right to gush over you and call you hot – you are mine after all.”
He rolls his eyes and Mika has seen that look enough. “Jon get over it – you’re good looking ok the entire world knows that. Everyone appreciates the eye candy, you can’t be blind when you look in the mirror. So if I ever see you roll your eyes again when I tell you I find you good looking or hot or sexy or whatever I’m going to ask your ex wife to teach me how to kick your ass.”
“Ok I won’t roll my eyes anymore when you say it.”
“Why are you all of a sudden not fighting me on this?”
”Because you weren’t afraid to stand up to me. You’re not too scared to tell me what you feel and I find that very sexy. “
Mika smirked, “Hey can’t a millionaire afford a better bus than this? Seriously, we’re sleeping on a futon?”
“Alright abuse the boyfriend. Give me a break, we stopped using the bus years ago. Now the only time we take it is if we are traveling 100 miles or less between gigs. Other than that we fly.”
”I guess I should know these things if I decide to be your manager next year huh?”
”Angel I seriously have to know soon. Paul is done in May and if you aren’t going to be my new manager I need to know so Tony can find another.”
“Jon I can’t give you that answer yet. I’m not ready.”
Jon tells her if she would have applied to the band a long time ago she would have been hired then. This has nothing to do with them dating Tony screened her for the job when she applied originally. Jon tell her he doesn’t want to deal with all the crap he hates the business side of things. He pays someone ‘very well’ to know all that stuff. “Bon Jovi is very successful and I make sure I pay someone very well to keep us that way.”
“Why do you say I a lot when you refer to the band?”
“Mika this is another of those conversations that’s just between us.”
Once he got her agreement he told her. “I make more money than anyone in the band. I was signed to the record label originally as a solo artist, when the band was formed I had contacts drawn up that they would get a set portion of the money the record company made. I however am still paid separately. We are a band in every way, we are now signed as Bon Jovi the group but my royalties and my contract for them differs from everyone else’s. Richie is a close second because of all the song writing credits. I am the one that forked over the bill to make sure everyone had medical insurance. The record company doesn’t provide it. I am the one that everything lands on.”
“Well are you a corporation or soul proprietorship for liabilities sake?”
“I have no idea what you just asked me so I can’t tell you. I’m sure Paul would know.”
"Well yes of course you can get as naked as you want just remember I have the right to gush over you and call you hot..."
I loved this! *Sighs* Getting into be with a stripping Jon, life must be hard, even on a futon. Glad they're talking 'real things,' and getting to know each other. More please :-)
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