Chapter 6
She’d take Jon’s hand as he helps her down and almost has a heart attack. She can tell he feels the electricity too cos he pulls his hand back quickly once she’s safely on the ground.
Jon and Mika walked to the far end of the arena and got up into the seats. Jon finds them a place to sit and turns to her. “Ok Mika now that you’re a little more familiar with the road and your job. I’m sorry I bit your head off last week. I didn’t mean to go off on you. Long story short Dorothea and I are no longer married because she was tired of waiting for me to come home. I came home from the HAND tour she was sitting at the table with the papers.”
“holy hell” Mika said shocked at that coldness.
“yeah talk about cold I didn’t have a fucking clue, she didn’t ask for anything, I have the house she hated the mansion – she has custody of the kids while I’m on tour I have custody when I’m not on tour same city same schools – kids are cool, Jake and Romeo don’t quite get why mommy kisses someone else now but the oldest two get it. We didn’t fight – I didn’t even know she hated me.”
“I doubt she hated you I don’t think anyone could hate you .” She told him.
“That’s true according to her it was more difficult to love me than let me go. Ok I spilled, now it's your turn. What happened to make you want to do this? With your background and education, Bachelors in Telecom with an emphasis and video and audio production and a Masters Degree in Business and history of work before this in Radio, TV, and Recording Studios– why leave a pretty high paying job I’d bet and come
be a roadie?” His inquisitive nature got the best of him.
Mika swallowed the pain and told him. “2 months before I got the job with you my mom was killed in an accident. She wasn’t just my mom; she was one of my best friends. I was an only child, my dad died when I was only 4 so mom and I were close my whole life. To quote a song of yours: “god closed his eyes and the world got mean”. I lost everything-what do you do when home is gone? Since I was it, I spend 2 months closing out her estate planning her funeral, burying her, I sold my childhood home, I could never live there, I couldn’t, and it hurt to bad to be there.” Mika wiped her eyes and continued with a different point.
“Jon I know you hate fans-“ She gets cut off by him almost before she gets that much out of her mouth.
“Stop right there – I’ll never hate my fans, I love my fans. “
“Better way to phrase that then, you hate them gushing over you.” She acknowledged.
“Over my looks your right, I hate that. Telling me I’m hot makes me want to puke. Telling me you like my music and it does something for you blows my mind it makes me in awe of the fact I have this talent.”
“Ok so get ready to get your mind blown. Because if it wasn’t for Jovi I wouldn’t be here right now I would have given up, if I didn’t have this, and by this I mean being a roadie I’d be lost. This in the bigger sense is Jovi-“
Again Jon cut her off midway through he wanted to keep the mood light this poor woman has been through hell in her life he can see the pain in her eyes and its only let up a little since she started on the road, “What are you too good to say Bon Jovi?”
“Fuck off”
“You just told your boss to fuck off.” He quickly pointed out with a smile.
“Yep and what are you gonna do about it”
“Not a damn thing just thought I’m point it out. Now I wanna know this tell me more.”
“Bon Jovi has given the world songs like Keep the Faith, I want to be loved, Welcome to Wherever you are; they make the darkest night seem bright, the coldest bed seem not so lonely, especially Welcome.”
“Really that’s helped?”
“Do you have any idea what some of those lyrics mean to me right now?”
“No tell me” Jon encouraged.
“Does your head need to get any bigger?” Mika smiled. Talking to Jon Bon Jovi no longer exists he’s just Jon to her now.
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