Chapter 4
Six am came way to early for Mika. Luckily she just had to get on the bus and she could sleep on the way to Miami. Why they were doing a one off in Miami she didn’t know or care but when she saw Tony in the parking lot and filed onto the bus with everyone else it finally became real. She took a seat somewhat in the middle of the bus. Another woman was sitting across the aisle from her so she felt a little more at ease.
Suddenly a young hottie in the crew sat down next to her.
“Hey beautiful. Glad to see Tony finally gave us some new blood this year.”
”Jacob get your skanky ass away from her.” The girl across the aisle piped up. Jacob obviously realized he wasn’t going to get anywhere so he got up and moved and the girl moved over to the seat next to me and held out her hand. “I’m Marsha and he’s trouble. He’s got more time logged between the sheets than I think the entire band does.”
”Ouch, thanks for the warning. I’m Mika by the way.”
“Mika that’s very pretty does it mean something?”
”I’ve heard it means raccoon and also beautiful smell so I don’t have a clue.”
They’d both laugh and spend half of the trip getting to know one another. Mika still leary of everything keeps the conversation far away from her family.
Mika gets lost in the bussle of setting up the stage. She and Marsha are assigned to work together all tour. They are assigned to bring in, set up, secure and take down the side stage that Jon appears on during the middle of the show.
After we bring the stage in from the semi we work together pretty effortlessly to lift the pieces and get them locked in place to secure them.
“Now for the true test. We jump on it to make sure it’s secure.” Marsha tells me and we both climb up and start jumping on the little 4 ft by 4 ft stage.
“So Marsha we secure?” A voice says from the ground and without looking back she laughs. “We secure babe we secure.” She then turns to smile at Jon.
“Hey sweetie get down here I haven’t seen you in forever.” Jon takes her hand and helps her to the ground and gives her a hug. He then turns to Mika and offers his hand. Mika refuses and just jumps down directly.
“Ok you have to be Mika.” Jon smirks.
“Yes.” She says softly.
“So do you like working on the road so far?”
”Yes.” Again a short answer.
“Are you ever going to talk to me?” Jon asks.
“Probably.” Mika would say, “Excuse me.” She’d then take off.
“Marsh-what’s up with her?”
”I don’t know she keeps to herself about her private life, maybe she’s just shy around men or maybe she thinks your some famous rock and roll star. Personally I don’t see it but maybe.” She’d laugh and Jon gives her another hug and walks backstage. He gets to his bus and calls Tony.
“Yeah Jon.”
”Hey what’s with this Mika girl you hired? Is she a Vanilla Ice fan or what? She won’t say more than boo to me?”
”Brotherhood –“Tony asks for Jon’s sworn secrecy pact.
“Of course Bro.”
“She’s had some serious family drama. She told me she doesn’t have a home and almost started crying in the interview.”
”Why the hell did you hire her then?”
”I’m gonna fax you her resume. She’s perfect for Paul’s job when he retires next year.”
“Alright did you do the check?” Jon says referring to a background check.
“Yes she’s clean everything on the resume is confirmed.” Tony tells his brother.
“Ok I’ll wait for the fax.” Jon hangs up wondering what Tony found in Mika. To him she just seemed cold and almost unapproachable.
Within 5 min he has a copy of my resume and then notices what Tony saw.
With this new information on her education and experience Jon is willing to give Mika another chance.
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