Chapter 10
That night after the concert Jon wants Mika backstage he thinks he deserves a kiss but unfortunately when he’s done with work for the night Mika is not.
Jon would entertain himself with the fans, taking what Mika said to heart he actually gives them more of a chance to calm down before deciding that they still couldn’t have a coherent conversation. Eventually he decides he’s going to go on the bus. At tells Dan the fill in for Paul on the road, to tell Mika to come to his bus after tear down. He thinks maybe they can ride from town to town together and that can be a way for us to ‘date’ lack of better terms. The guys normally fly from city to city but they do have a band bus and Jon can just choose to take the bus so he and Mika can be alone.
Now that he has a plan he opens up the bus and also opens a bottle of wine. He actually has his production assistant run and get them pizza before Mika arrives. He so want to change into sweats and no shirt but he figures if this is going to be a ‘date’ he shouldn’t get that forward. She has every right to see him looking like he would if they were going to go out for pizza for example.
Dan would tell Mika that Jon would like her to go to the band bus when the equipment is all set.
Mika would walk to the bus confused. She’s never seen the guys in the band take the bus from town to town. Normally they fly and sleep in plush hotels while the road crew drives through the night sleeping on the bus.
Once outside the band bus Mika knocks, “Come in.” Jon says from inside.
“I don’t know how to open the door.” Mika yells back.
“It's a secret.” Jon would say as he opens the door then smirks. ”Secret, Secret I got a secret” He starts to sing a Styx song.
“OH no you are Jon – you sing Jovi, not Styx.”
”I’ve been hiding, under my skin” Jon continues to sing and Mika would smack him lightly in the stomach.
“Shut up”
“Don’t’ want me to sing no more?” He pouts.
“Stop pouting it's just so not – ok it's sexy but shut up.” I’d smile.
He then realizes they are outside and he wants to move this date along. “It might help if I gave you code huh?” He smiles, just noticing how she looks tonight. He loves the look she has right now, her hair quite out of place because she was rocking out to the show and sweating along with him, then she still had to work afterwards. She comes to him in a Bon Jovi shirt that states, “Finding My Way on this Lost Highway” on the back and Bon Jovi CREW on the front with the rose and heart dagger design. To Jon she’s beautiful as she is.
“OK rock star you in there?” Mika would spout off because Jon zoned out.
”Yes smartass I’m here. Anyway, here’s the access box and what year was I born?”
”1962.” Mika would say to him without thinking. “You can’t honestly tell me you’re using that as a code, like your fans wouldn’t know it as fast as I did.”
“OH good call.” He then smirks and changes it to 2691.
“You’re kidding right? Your birth year backwards?”
“Hey feisty woman what’s up with you. You’re normally sassy. But tonight you’re off the charts.”
“You can’t honestly be asking me why I’m sassy?”
We are on the bus so I turn to look at him straight in the eye.
“OK can I be the gushing fan now?”
”Yes ok I’ll deal.”
“OH MY GOD Jon Bon Jovi just sang to me tonight!”
“You done now?”
“It's so good to see you smile like this, I’ll let you be the gushing fan if it’ll make you smile.”
”It’s getting easier to smile Jon.”
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