Chapter 5
Jon and Mika have another run in about a week later that again doesn’t go so well. Tony has come out to check on Mika to see if being a roadie is working for her. While Mika and Tony are talking Jon comes up just as she hugs Tony.
“What the hell, you come out and she’s all over you whereas I can’t even get a hello.”
“Jon get over yourself.” Mika tells him getting a little braver every day.
“See I knew there was a reason I hired you. She’s here to keep your ego in check big brother.”
“You know Tony I can still fire your ass.” Jon would crack at Tony and the two of them start talking so Mika just turns back to work. Jon would not like being ignored so he walks up behind her and stands close enough she can feel his not quite completely hard cock through pants.
“What didn’t you get lucky backstage?” Mika asks still not facing him.
“Actually I did, this is me relaxed.”
”I didn’t know Dorothea was out.” Mika says
He looks at me and his eyes kind of get clouded over. It makes Mika understand what Tony meant about a haunted look in her eye because Jon has it. “No.” Is the only reply with a clipped tone.
“Jon I’m so sorry I didn’t know.”
”Maybe if you talked to me every fucking now and then you’d know this shit and wouldn’t say crap like that.” He’s spout off and walks away.
Mika would be shocked, she had no idea there was trouble in paradise and she looked at Tony. “What’d I do?”
“Jon and Dot got divorced after the Have a Nice Day tour.”
”I never heard anything.”
”No one did, they kept it very quiet.”
”What happened?” Mika would ask.
“For that information you’ll have to talk to Jon. Good luck.” Tony would add as he walked away.
Jon allows for a few weeks to pass before he tries to get to know Mika better. He’s seen her since their run in about Dorothea but neither of them has said anything. She honestly has been acting like she could care less when he’s in the room. He has to admit, her acting like she has no interest in him piqued his interest. It had been quite a long time since he actually had to work to get someone’s attention. He gave her a few weeks to get acclimated and then decided to try again to talk to her. With what he now knew about her it was imperative that they come to a better working relationship.
Jon would walk out into the arena and again see Mika and Marsha jumping up and down on the side stage testing the safety.
“Hey we secure?” Jon asks both Marsha and Mika and they both look at him, “We secure babe, we secure.”
“Thank you ladies. Hey Mika can I talk with you for a few?”
“Sure Jon.” She says wondering if she’s in trouble, is he finally going to fire her?
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